Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Feeling for Photos

Photography is not something that I ever thought that I would be good at. As a matter of fact, I have had no formal training but people still compliment my photos.

This isn't something that I would ever do for a living. The pressure would kill me - I'm not a perfectionist so I would never be able to charge someone for my services because sometimes my images turn out worthy of being posted or displayed in my home and sometimes they don't.

Photography has however, taught me a wonderful lesson... For me it is powerful stress relief. I can lose myself behind my lens and attempt to blend in with my surroundings. I love looking at my images and to be able to actually watch myself grow artistically. To me this is exhilarating.
Like the books that I read, my hopes are that my children will cherish these images as much as I do. I hope that the photos that I have snapped over the years will be cherished by many to come after me and that they will be able to feel the love behind them.
My grandmother left behind many black and white photos and I love them dearly. While looking at those photos I have been able to learn so much about who my grandmother was as a young girl - before she became a mother to seven children. I cherish those images more than words can explain and I hope that my children and grandchildren will feel the same about mine.

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feedback please!!! i love it!